Young Adults Group


Sunday - 10:30AM Worship Service

Young Adults (Fun Adults)

Faith, Fellowship and Fun for All!

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; They will mount up with wings of eagles; They shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint”  Isaiah 40:31

This is so true of the Young Adults that meets every week on Sunday evening, currently via the internet.

Everyone is welcome: Searchers who want more of something but don’t know what, New Christian who are searching for more, and Believers who want to grow and get stronger. They all radiate their God given energy, strength and enthusiasm.

Many of the Young Adults are willing to step out and up, willing to share their successes and defeats, willing to ask for help and prayer, willing to help and pray, and willing to go on an adventure. For those who aren’t willing to do those things, we are here for them.

No matter where they are in their walk, the Young Adults are committed to meet together, to have fun wherever they meet and whatever they do.

Who wouldn’t want to be with them?

Interested in getting involved or want more information?

Update 9/23/20 - Our Young Adults group is currently on a break. Check back for more information.

Fred & Joyce Evans
Gordon & Danita Bye